I cut it with some club soda but that's just a personal choice. OK, I'm just having some fun here. It does indeed seem to be eliminating the scabs from my bro Mothman, who is indeed a cat. I'm guessing you know about this place:
...also, you may not be aware of Tito of Tito's vodka who donates tons of money to pay-what-you-can dog vets, and in my opinion though he has made amends with cat people, he is mostly a dog person and I absolutely love dogs too, but I can't shake the feeling that his generosity is more skewed toward dogs than cats-- so obviously Mr. Tito (whose last name is Beveridge; (no kidding, spelled like that) needs to be gently shamed into maybe giving up a little more for cats. On that end I'm doing my part.
Anyway, much respect to the cat ladies...
-Uncle Ray